| You Are My Sister |

Samantha 3Samantha 2Samantha 1I AM IN INDIA!!
India is absolutely beautiful.  Houses hanging off the side of the mountains.  Cars hanging off sides of mountains.  I have never been closer to death and felt like I am more alive at the same time in my entire life.
This morning we met our children.  School Mihar has to be in one of the most beautiful places in the entire world.  We got out of the car and we could barely make out the little children playing in the dirt patch by their school.  They were jumping up and down waving at us.  We walked down the path and the little children didn’t know what to do.  Then all of a sudden they were on the ground kissing our feet and telling us good morning.  It didn’t take long for the children to be hanging all over us and calling me their sister.  ”Sister Samantha just one more picture” they kept saying to me.  They loved taking our cameras and taking all the pictures they could before we finally asked for them back.  I cannot tell them no.  Some of them even took selfies with our cameras which we find hilarious.  They are all so bright and they amaze me more and more every second.  I cannot wait to see what the rest of the time we spend with them will bring.
Love you guys,
Samantha Child


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