| How I went to India Pt. 2 |

Leaving Jibhi was a long and grueling experience, consisting of many hours on a bus and a lack of sleep. Our first stop was the Taj which was really awesome. I can’t really comprehend how people were able to build it without modern day tools. While at the Taj, I licked the building so that I can not only say that I have been there, but also I licked part of it which not many people can say.
India was an amazing trip and I am sad to go, but I am also glad that I get to return home and share my adventures with my friends and family. I can honestly say that I am glad to not eat rice everyday and I will get to eat beef once more. Going home will be nice, but the plane rides will be long and tedious. I may return to India one day in the future, but until then it will be a story that I can share with people to teach them lessons of humility and stuff like that. And that kids, is how I traveled to India.
Andrew Dobrowolski