| Hey, what's it doin? |

so all you have to know about the traveling is that it kinda sucked. the food on the plane was the worst thing of my life. it was so disgusting. but everything else was pretty good. the planes had tv’s on the backs of the seats so i was set. i watched three movies on the way there. when we arrived in chandigarh there was a ten hour bus ride to our camp.
our camp is great. the food is super good. we actually got to have french fries tonight. the other food they give us amazing though. and i don’t even have to sleep in a tent. i sleep in a building and it has a mattress so i sleep great. and i get to room with blake. the only downfall of the building is that the doorways are super small. i’ve seriously hit my head five times today. its been pissing me off. i have a major headache right now. but I’m fine.
well now for the good part. the school. the kids are wonderful. its amazing to see how happy they can be with how little they have. they have nothing except for each other and thats all that really matters. i love going there each day to teach them my lessons. they catch on quick and are willing to learn. sometimes its hard to keep them under control because they always want to have fun. they love to play duck duck goose and sing do as I’m doing and some other games that we have taught them. it just shows that the simplest things bring happiness. its hard to say goodbye to the kids even though i know that i’ll see them tomorrow. mostly because they won’t let go of me. whenever i see the kids they tackle me and latch onto my arms.
the picture is of some of my favorite kids. bhimsen, yoginder, yograg, papu, latesh, bhinder and nishu.
well i better go. just know that I’m safe and theres no need to worry about me. I’m loving it here and can’t wait for another day filled of outrageous fun. catch ya on the flip side. love ya ma and pa.
ps. thanks for all the candy you hid in my bag mom. i was wondering why you stayed up all night.
Jacob Van Skyhawk