| Perudo or Die |

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESSo this past few days have been pretty eventful. I don’t even know where to start. But I guess I’ll start by talking about my favorite kid. His name his Tushar. Ever since the first day I have loved the kid. He’s about ten years old and is one of the smartest kids at the school. He’s always the first one to answer questions and catches on quickly to everything that we teach.
SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESOn Friday after school we were supposed to finish painting the mural for the kids but we were told that we couldn’t stay after. We never even found out why we had to leave. I was kinda disappointed that we couldn’t paint but it turned out to be okay because we got to play basketball with some random Indians. It was pretty dang exciting. We totally wrecked them. At one of the schools they have a basketball court so Blake thought it would be fun to go shoot some hoops and there were actually people playing cricket on the court. We watched them play for a while and then we tried to get in on the game but they all left when we came down so we played some b-ball instead.
SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESYesterday the Green Team went to our school to paint the mural. We got a lot done considering we only painted for 2 hours. We would have painted longer but it started to rain before we could finish. The custodian who works at the school actually built us some platforms for us to stand on while we painted. It was pretty crazy how he did so quick and I was super confused on what he was doing at first. If it wasn’t for him we would barely have anything finished for the mural.
SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESAfter that we came back to camp and we had some free time so of course I had to play some Perudo. I guess you could say that I’m addicted. I mean I don’t have Brawl so what am I supposed to do with my life. Tim says that I have a gambling problem but no one else can stop playing either. It’s basically all I’ve done today and yesterday. I don’t know what it is about the game that makes it so dang fun. Well actually I do. I never lose. No joke. The very first time I played it I won. I even beat Chad! Apparently he’s supposed to be good or something but not according to me.
SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESBesides playing Perudo today we all went on a hike in the Himalayas to a Hindu temple. Once we got there we had lunch and then I went exploring with Jordyn, Andrea and Blake. We got some pretty good pictures of me climbing trees. Definitely profile worthy. Each tree I climbed was over a cliff and if I fell I would have easily died. It was like a 50 foot drop off. There was actually a time where a branch broke from underneath me but somehow I survived. After we went exploring we all came back together and had a gratitude circle. We each shared what we are grateful for. At first I wasn’t too excited about the meeting but I’m glad we had it. I realized how blessed we are back at home. We have so much and sometimes we take it for granted. I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to come here and serve the people of India. It’s been a life changing experience.
See you in a week.
Jacob Van Skyhawk


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