| Om My, I Love India |

First off Jibhi is beautiful. Our camp sight is super nice. Most of the boys are in tents but the girls are in a building where each room has beds, toilets, and showers! Hooray! My roommates (Kayley and Emma) and I almost cried when we first saw our room. Also bucket showers are not as bad as they sound.
Second our school (Mihar School) is about 5 minutes from camp Jibhi along a road that makes me hold my breath around every sharp turn. Our school is at the bottom of this hill that the students pull me down every morning when they meet us where our car drops us off. The kids here can climb like mountain goats. Everyone morning we are greeted by “good morning” and we say “good morning how are you” which they reply “I am fine.” We have tried to get them to say “we are good” but it just never sticks. That simple phrase “I am fine” I think will be one of the things I miss very most.
Third our kids are brilliant and amaze me more and more every single day. Lots of them can speak in full sentences and understand a lot of what we say to them. Some can even translate to each other for us. Lateshvari is one of the girls who is attached to me at my hip. She is constantly grabbing by face and stroking it saying “didi didi” (sister sister). She is also constantly getting jealous when I play with the other children and gets upset at me. It is kind of cute but sad at the same time. I cannot believe how much these children crave for attention and love.
I love India and my kids with all my heart. I do not know how I am ever going to leave this place. Mom, Dad, Zach, Kevin, and Chloe I love you guys and hope everything is going well at home.
Samantha Child