| The 10 best things that have happened in India so far |

- Tobacco lines the streets of Chandigarh. I saw my first ever field of pot.
-The looks we get here are priceless. The people are surprised, but in a good way. They always wave, and even through in a “Namaste” sometimes.
- The Himalayas are huge and breathtaking. It is so green, and the waterfall we visited was amazing. I will miss it so much.
-”AMILY! DIDI, I LOVE YOU!” Dinesh shouts at me. Out school is amazing to say the least. We have twenty-four gorgeous kids, and I adore them all. They grab for our hands on all of the walks, and all want hugs every two seconds. Didi, means sister in Hindi by the way.
- J Nash’s sasquatch siting. It was really a lady with grass on her back and a cow mooing in the background, but his reaction was priceless.
- They do have Mcdonald’s in India, but there are no hamburgers. And Indian food is pretty dece if I do say so myself.
-I have over 100 selfies of a Anil on my camera. He is way too smart for his own good, and always tries to take it.

These ten things can’t even begin to amount to all that I have experienced, but I have done my best with videos and photos… Love you guys!
- Emily Clark