I don’t even know where to begin! So much has happened since we left and I have loved every minute of it! Jibhi is one of the prettiest places I have ever been. There are trees and mountains everywhere you look. Our camp is so beautiful and peaceful. We wake up to the sound of a river and birds every morning and it is amazing!

Monday morning was when we finally met our kids! We only have a short hike up a small hill right across our camp and we are at our school! When we finally saw our kids it really hit me. We are finally here doing what we have working towards for so long. They were all lined up on the porch of their school saying their morning prayers. Our whole group just stood there is amazement and we all had chills just watching them. When their were done with their prayers we split them up by grade and each took them into different classrooms.

I started teaching the 1st graders for the first rotation and it was a little nerve racking, but after the first lesson it was pure joy! We rotate grades every 45 minutes and it is amazing to see how much the 5th graders know compared to the 1st graders. The 5th graders are so smart, and they understand a lot of what I’m saying. The kids are some of the happiest people I have ever met and they have almost nothing! Every time I give them a piece of paper, marker, anything, they look up at me with their big brown eyes and say “Thanks, thanks, thanks!” They are so sweet and just love every minute of the day. I showed some of the kids my photo book today and they would all point at the pictures of me and say “Ashleigh!!” and the pictures with mom they would say “Mom, Mom!” I guess we really do look alike Mom!
One of my favorite little girls is Deepika. She is in 2nd grade and one of the sweetest girls I have ever met. All of them are so lovable so stinking adorable!
Last night after school all the girls went into town to buy the material for our pant suits. We walk into a store and it is packed with every color, style, and type of material you could ever imagine! Trying to decide on just one is basically impossible! Jordyn and I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like if Mom and Jenn had been there :) We would probably still be there!
Shout out to all my friends back home! I hope you are having an amazing time in San Fran! Mom and Dad, I’m feeling great, no sickness, the food is…. interesting, but some of it is actually really good! I love and miss you very much, but I’m having an amazing time! Thank you so much for all you have done to help and support me to get here! It is more amazing then I could have imagined!